JP’s World

Hey what’s up?! From my over caffeinated brain, a couple of things….

1. Variety magazine came out with an article about AB5 (the independent contractor status bill) with new parts exempting musicians. Music advocacy groups worked with legislators to change the language.
However it’s murky as to what extent.

2. The flat out weirdness of pandemic self quarantining, besides the obvious frustrations we are all probably having, seems to have a secondary undetectable pervasive affect on my emotional reactions when socializing online. I’m speaking for myself but maybe you can relate.
So I am compensating by monitoring my perspective a little more carefully.

It just boils down to thinking twice about the effect of what you’re about to say – before you say it.
The same way you would if you were sitting down and having coffee with your counterpart.

I think I’ll call it the “Eric Burdon Rule,” as in
“oh Lord please don’t let me be misunderstood.”

3. I’m struggling with a new song called “Bad About Doin’ It.” No problem composing it. But for some reason demoing it is surprisingly hard. 

4. Finally, my spirit guide, Amelia, who is thrilled with the quarantining, cuz she can herd the three of us around, as well as constantly badger us for food, snuck out and covered herself with dirt digging this hole (below), and got a bath as a reward. Here’s a pic of her at the scene of the crime, newly bathed.
I’m putting a wire barrier up.

OK! Now to go play soccer… With myself.

Image may contain: dog and outdoor